
Works in the fields of history of medieval philosophy, metaphysics, metaethics and didactics of philosophy. In metaphysics research he deals with the ontology of the individual, in metaethics with cognitivist approaches focusing on neo-Aristotelian ethical naturalism, in medieval philosophy research he looks through the prism of contemporary theories at medieval ontological and ethical concepts. In the project, he will address the problem of the relationship between natural facts and moral norms and the nature of practical rationality in neo-Aristotelian ethical naturalism, in Kantian and in Aristotelian constructivism. He will also consider medieval ethical theories and their attempts in explaining moral normativity and the nature of practical reason.

Will discuss the classical pragmatist paradigm of nonreductive naturalism and the neopragmatist paradigm of interpretivism. He will show their relevance for contemporary metaphilosophy. His research will refer to the interrelations and compatibility between naturalism and constructivism as metaphilosophical paradigms with a focus on overcoming traditional philosophical dualisms.

Will explore ethical problems in the context of naturalism and constructivism, their explanatory possibilities and limits, which are related to the question of the evolutionary basis of morality, as well as the question of its transcendent character. She will focus on the investigation of the problem of the origin and goal of morality, moral norms and values against the background of their naturalistic and constructivist interpretation.
Her focus will be on the topical conceptions developed within the philosophy of science and science studies, which emphasize the social character of the knowledge-making and have a constructivist character. Special attention will be paid to the ways in which gender intervenes in scientific practices.

In her research, she will address the topic of human nature, focusing on the ethical and social dimensions of the themes of senior age and death in Slovak philosophy and Czech authors who in their ethical and socio-philosophical reflections have responded to the question of the finitude of man.

Will be working on topics in the field of philosophy of physics and mathematics. In the philosophy of mathematics, he will defend a philosophical position that adequately takes into consideration both our realist and constructivist intuitions about mathematical objects and mathematical truths. In the philosophy of physics, he will address objections from constructivist-oriented philosophies of science to the naturalistic approach in the philosophy of physics.
Will continue to investigate the problem of normativity in naturalistic epistemological conceptions. He will subject the identified limits of the explanation of normativity within the naturalistic approach to the oppositional view of meta-epistemological constructivism in order to explore its possible contributions and problematic points in explaining epistemic normativity.
He was accepted to the position of scientific researcher created within the current project from 1 October 2023. In the project, he will carry out research on naturalistic and constructivist positions in ethics and metaethics with interdisciplinary overlaps.

She has been working in the project since 1st July 2024. Her main research area covers feminist philosophy, in which she will deal with issues of naturalism and constructivism in relation to the category of gender.

She worked in the project from 1/7/2023 to 30/6/2024. She primarily dealt with naturalistic theories of consciousness. She focused on the limits of naturalistic approaches and their comparison with constructivist approaches in the philosophy of mind.