Welcome to the website of research project:
Naturalism and constructivism as competing or complementary philosophical programmes (NATCON)
Naturalism and constructivism are the most discussed currents of thought in contemporary philosophy. In previous decades, they have become the dominant approaches to philosophy, as well as within most philosophical disciplines. The adoption of a naturalistic or constructivist approach in philosophy brings several serious consequences, to which the project has the ambition to respond. Research will be focused on defining the core of naturalism and constructivism, accurate and systematic distinction of their main types, identifying and evaluating their boundaries and conflicts in a wide range of philosophical topics. Part of the project will take into account the relevant results of special sciences, as well as providing a new historical-philosophical perspective on naturalism and constructivism by means of analyzes of their historical sources and the most significant criticisms. The main importance of the project will be to determine the possibilities and limits of naturalism and constructivism as metaphilosophical programs, and especially to examine their possible compatibility within a broader theoretical perspective.
Department of realization
Department of Philosophy and the History of Philosophy
Comenius University in Bratislava
Faculty of Arts
Gondova 2
811 02 Bratislava
e-mail: kfdf@fphil.uniba.sk
Principal investigator:
Prof. Mgr. Michal Chabada, PhD.
The project was supported by the Slovak Research and Development Agency under the Contract no. APVV-22-0397.